Terrace kitchen garden I

               In my earlier tomato post I have mentioned the path that lead me to start a terrace garden.As a beginner I decided to take a small starter package which includes only 25 pots and its seedlings.
                We have planted
Payar - 2 varieties,
Spinach (cheera)- 2 varities ,
Bitter Guard (Pavakka /Kaipakka),
 Okra /Ladies Finger(Vendakka),
Snake Gourd (Padavalam),
Ridge Gourd (Peechil),
Yellow Cucumber (Velari)
and Pudina.
                Since there was some extra seedlings,we bought 15 more pots and kept it along with this.All plants where around an inch in height when planted,and in about 2 weeks they have grown to around 4 inches.

                        And now that the ones who needs to climp requires a support and hence we started to build the string roof.And it took two days for the structure work(Iwas bit lazy and the sun was too hot too)

               In another weeks time they started climbing up,except the vellari,it likes to crawl,so decided to let it find its own way.I have just put one sake down on the terrace,where it started crawling so that the hot sun,& the hot terrace may not cause too much of damage to the new born leafs.
                Meanwhile it was there food time and we just supplied it some home made manuare mixture.(kadal pinak and veppum pinnak in equal ration was mixed in water and kept for 3 days).The slury from the mixture was diluted 5 times and pouredin each pot.
               And in 3 days all started flowering,the first one to show the signs of flowers where the ladies fingers,then the vellari and slowly all followed.

               Want to have a look at those beautiful flower..

                     Now that all bushy plants as tall as 7 to 8 inches,its time for the intruders.And now the war begins,there are small black insects like lies and flies,and very small ones like white spots on the leafs.Its time to spray the insectisides,but only home mixed organic ones,we have made some pokayila kashayam,some diluted neem oils etc,which are sprayed on alternate days.

                                       Some more photos.

                                        Will update this post with more photos soon.

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