Snake Gourd (Padavalanga)

                                Snake Gourd is what we call padavalanga in malayam.It is having a very stinking smell which I hate the most about this plant.

                               Like the other gourds this one is also a vine variety and likes to climb.It has  a very cute white frilly flower.As soon as the plant started climbing ,it started flowering also.And Initial ones where all male flowers.I have already mentioned about the difference in appearance about a male and female flower in my Bitter gourd post.

Male Flower

Female flower

                             After a weeks growth after successful pollination the fruit will be a few inches long and the end will start to curl.Then a stone needs to be tied to the end for making it grow long without curling.

                             But make sure that the stone should be in correct weight not to damage the fruit.

                                                              First Harvest...

                                      More getting ready now.........

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