Bitter Gourd (Pavaka)

                              The bitter gourd is what we call pavaka or kaipakka in malayam.Some people likes the bitter taste very much (Not in my taste).Its been used in various recipes like thoran,fries etc.

                             This was also planted along with the others in the beginning of the terrace garden batch.There is almost 6 plants in 3 pots.Since this is a vine variety plant it requires support to climb.As it was kept along with other vine plants like the Ridge & snake gourd they climbed up sharing the support made for others.

                  You can see one pot towards the right  corner of this picture.

                   It started flowering in a months time after planting.Since almost all vine type plants are having male and female flowers,initial ones where all male flowers.

               For easy understanding on male and female flowers,please check the below pictures.First one is a male flower and second and third flowers are female flowers from 2 angles.The Female flower will have a small fruit.

                                                                 Some more flowers

                      After successful  pollination the female flower will start drying allowing the  fruit to grow.After 2 or 3 days we have to cover this young one with a paper ,for protecting it from the attack of insects or flies.

                                 See the small one happily inside the paper cover.

                                  Its almost a week's growth now.

First harvest.

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