Kanthari(Chilly) seeds to seedlings

              Kanthari is a variety of chilly.Very small in size but very hot ones.There are various variety of kanthari,of which this one is a medium sized one.I have one plant which is giving me pretty good yield.So I decided to make some more plants.

              For getting seeds,choose the one that ripens in the plant itself.the one that becomes brown first and then red.

                 Cut it slowly with a knife and then take the seeds.They will be bit moist,allow it to dry for a day.Then the  seeds will look like this.Now that its ready to be planted.

                      I decided to plant all these,take some cocopeat and fill upto 3/4th of the sheets,(you can use a disposable glass also,but don't forget to make some holes for the excess water to drain).

                                              Make the filling moist,donnt over water it.

                                      Make small holes in the middle and then place 2 seeds per hole. And add some more cocopeat on the top and cover the seeds.

                                       Spray some more water.Make sure the filling is completely moist.

                                   Then wait for 7 days,donnt forget to check the moister level daily,and spray water if required.Place these in a place where there is fresh air and shaded sunlight.

                                   Will update with more photos once they sprout.

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