Payar - 22 seed variety

                           Even though we have some space as land for my kitchen garden nothing workedout there.All type of intruders like hen,rat,flys etc always attached very mercylessily my small tryouts.

                           But seeing my hardwork and my thirst for my dream god gifted me with a beautiful variety of "Payar".it grew on its own finding some space and food under our coconut tree.So I decided to help it to climb & spread its wings a bit and it came very successfully.

                             The fruit came pretty long with 22 seeds in it.And now that it is giving me 12 to 15 nos every day.

                  This plant is very attentive and likes me to make its way to spread.Each morning it requires my presence for leading the new leaves and stems to find its way to spread.

                    The main enemies are Ants and occasionally a rat.we had put some tin sheets and bricks to protect its root from the rat.and the ants are removed to some extend by spraying water in good force.So far,I have not used any manure or pesticide.I think its getting pretty good food from the coconut tree's share.Just see its progress.

1 comment:

  1. Any idea of avoiding ants other than spraying water in good force
