The Spinach ( Cheera) & Palak - ready for harvest

                                      My Spinach ( Cheera) & Palak are in its full bloom and ready for the harvest in a months time (seems too early).Those where the colorful beauties of my terrace kitchen garden.And I am very sad to cut them off.
                                                Just see those red and green leafs..

                                          More of red & green ones smiling in separate pots...

                                The palaks are also ready with a slightly brighter green color.

                                     Decided to give them one more day.Will harvest tomorrow.

                                       Have harvested my first lot,not full only for one meal.

                                   Just have a look at this lovely,beautiful,fresh leaves.


1 comment:

  1. Do you just pluck the leaves individually and leave the branch or do you chop the whole branch and use both branch and leaves for cooking? Which method is better to ensure that more cheera grows from the same plant or is that not possible and once the harvest is done, you need to replant more seeds??
